Warehouse Management System

Project Date February 17th, 2023
Role Senior UX Designer
Client Tekion Clients

The purpose of a WMS is to help ensure that goods and materials move through warehouses in the most efficient, cost-effective way. A WMS handles many functions that enable these movements, including inventory tracking, picking, receiving and storage.



The Goal
Design an intuitive user experience for warehouse management, optimizing efficiency to reduce time and cost expenditures. Define clear stages in operations, enabling users to focus on productivity without unnecessary interruptions.

High-level Objectives

  • To create a warehousing processes.
  • To digitally reinvent the practices and processes associated with traditional Warehouse order processing.
  • To create a design structure to Automate the Warehouse Process.
  • To host the Trends in Warehouse Process Management
When we created a strategy, these high-level objectives got translated to a meticulous user- centric winning formula.

Design Process

Overwiew of the design approach  followed. The process was not fixed & varied based on products service or system lifecycle & requirements which included lending, cards, insurance, digital gold, reward based points, UPI and UPI mandates (B2B, B2C, P2P) .


Tools used
  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Optimal sort
  • Adobe creative suite
  • Google survey
  • Tata analytics
  • Power point
  • Qualitrics

  • Availability of market & research data
  • Timelines of associated products
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Data Management and Visualization
  • Hardware Considerations
  • Training and Onboarding
  • Accessibility and Ergonomics

To convert old warehouse management system to an automated one, I adopt a comprehensive approach. Firstly, understanding our current manual system is crucial. I meticulously identify its pain points, inefficiencies, and areas ripe for improvement. Then, I emphasize defining clear goals and objectives, aligning them with our business strategy. Next, through user journey mapping, I visualize our current and desired workflows, pinpointing touchpoints and opportunities for automation.

Leveraging technologies like RFID, IoT sensors, and robotics, I conceptualize automated processes, ensuring seamless integration with our existing systems. Prototyping and iterative design become pivotal, as I involve warehouse staff feedback to refine the user interface and functionality.

Close collaboration with developers and engineers ensures smooth integration and implementation, supported by thorough testing and staff training. Post-implementation, I focus on continuous monitoring and optimization, alongside comprehensive documentation and ongoing support, to ensure a successful transition to our automated warehouse management system, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall productivity.

Initial Research


Meeting the Needs of Different Users

A well-rounded Warehouse Management platform should accommodate a wide variety of users with different requirements. UX design is essential to creating an easy-to-understand and accessible platform for every type of user.

Enhancing Collaboration

Successful Warehouse Management relies heavily on efficient communication and stakeholder coordination. Greatly improve teamwork and help you to create a platform that enhances collaboration by enabling open communication, data sharing, and the visual representation of procedures. By facilitating communication, I can reduce user confusion and mistakes. Team members can work more productively and creatively using a well-organized user interface that I designed for clearly defined warehouse user's roles and responsibilities.

Information Architecture


User Interviews

I interviewed ten people from USA and Europe from different warehouses (RRG, VW and Ford), 4 of them are Auto Parts Salesman, Warehouse Inventory Manager, Warehouse Picker and Warehouse HUB dispatcher [2 male and 2 female].The age of males is 25–55, and Females are 23–36.

All of the co-workers are 80% tech-savvy.

User Persona Exploration


Along with these interviews, I had conversations with a few people I meet every day. Asking them about their experiences with dealership, local venders, investment, and money tracking. This helped dilute the inclination of the 7 users whom I interviewed.

Mockups is where everything came together

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